VEGANUARY NUTRITION - a guide to being plant based
Vegan nutrition can feel like a minefield at times - you’ll read one article telling you it’s easy to be fully nourished as a plant based eater, but another will tell you it just isn’t possible.
My hope is that this article will help you identify the key nutrients you may lack on a vegan diet and teach you how to get them - it requires a little more careful planning than I think many of us realise.
Mainly it is about understanding that plant based nutrition is not just about taking something out, it’s ALSO about what you ADD in.
(P.s For a more interactive/colourful version of this text see THIS instagram post.)
+ Crucial part of everything cell in our body; often described as the ‘building blocks’ that help us repair and build tissues, and make hormones and enzymes.
+ Daily recommended amount is 0.75/ kg of body weight, a figure that increases to 1.2-2.2g/kg is you have goals to build muscle/strength.
+ 100% possible to get enough protein on a vegan diet, but as not all sources of plant protein contain all the amino acids we need (in the way that animal protein does), it is important to get a variety.
Protein rich sources include: tofu, tempeh, chickpeas, lentils, beans, vegan protein powder, pea based meats, quorn, soy+pea milks, quinoa, nuts and seeds
Essential trace element that…
+ Supports immune system
+ Assists wound healing
+ Supports hormone production and fertility
+ Supports formation of proteins
Sources include: soy based products, fortified cereals, nuts, seeds, beans
What? Needed to make Haemoglobin - a protein that transports oxygen in the blood
How is plant iron different?
Plant iron is ‘non-heme’ iron, meaning it needed to undergo a chemical change before being absorbed.
Increasing absorption: consume vitamin C (e.g. lemon juice/ bell peppers…) along side iron-rich plant food - this converts the iron into a more bioavailable source
Sources: beans, lentils, left greens, fortified cereals/bread, nits and seeds, dried fruit
What do we need it for?
+ Bone and teeth formation
+ Nervous system
+ Blood clotting
+ Muscle contraction
Sources include: fortified plant milk, nuts and seeds, soy products, leafy green
Iodine is crucial for the formation of thyroid hormones, which are important for a healthy metabolism and growth.
Most sources of iodine come from animal products, but plant based iodine include:
+ Fortified products (milks/bread)
+ Iodised salt
+ Seaweed
+ But supplementation is usually considered best long term.
B12 is important for:
+ production of red blood cells
+ functioning + development of brain and nerve cells
We cannot get enough from plant food alone + so supplementation is best:
1.Fortified products, like milks and cereals (about 3x servings a day)
2.Ask your doctor/pharmacist about a supplement
The Omega 3 fatty acids include:
DHA + EPA are found in oily fish.
ALA is found in plant foods which can be used by the body to make EPA + DHA.
However the amount produced from this conversion would not be the same as direct consumption through the diet + so some people choose to supplement.
Plant based sources include:
+ flax seeds
+ chia seeds
+ hemp seeds
+ walnuts
+ linseed oil
An essential vitamin that acts as an antioxidant to help prevent cell damage + support immune system.
Usually found in animal based products.
Plant based sources can differ depending on the soil the plant is grown in.
1-2 Brazil nuts a day provide enough to meet our daily requirement.
Most of our Vitamin D is made by the skin through sunlight. BUT this means it can be hard to get enough during winter from sun alone.
Plant sources include: fortified milks and cereals, mushrooms left in sunlight for a few hours before consumption.